Introduction to Statistics on 8 MAY 2024….

Dive into the deep sea of data to explore real world evidence with us.

The Leicester Diabetes Centre in conjunction with Leicester Real World Evidence Unit is pleased to offer an introductory online course on health-related statistics

Topics covered:

Basic statistics 

  • Types of data 

  • Summarising data 

  • Hypothesis testing, including the interpretation of statistical tests 

Observational studies and their statistics 

  • Cross-sectional and case-control studies, including prevalence and measures of association (odds ratios) 

  • Cohort studies, including incidence and measures of association (rate ratios, relative risks) 

As this is online, it can be accessed from anywhere worldwide (all times are British GMT). 

DATE: Wednesday 8 May 2024 

TIME: 13:00 - 16:30 (British GMT) 

COST: Special introductory offer of £95 per person, with a reduced rate for students at £40 (a copy of the student ID will be required) 

Book your place today: 

To find out more, contact us: